We have many bus stand across Gujarat, Maharashtra, MP, Rajasthan and Assam. You can buy bus ticket, look for bus route, bus timings, video buses, and book bus online at charteredbus.in. Our buses are available for booking at red bus, paytm, and other OTAs.
Chartered Bus is one of India's leading passenger mobility companies. Its synonymous with affordable long and short distance travel in Central, Western and North Eastern India. We service approximately 4.2 million passengers in our Intercity division every year.
Chartered Bus a subsidiary of Chartered Speed which is present across various modes of transport such as Citybuses, BRTS, School bus, Staff Bus, Airport bus, Taxis and Bike sharing. Chartered Speed also run Volvo buses for GSRTC all across Gujarat and you can book GSRTC bus tickets at our branch offices. We’ve also partnered with other STUs such as Atal Indore city Transport Services Limited (AiCTSL), Bhopal City Link Limited (BCLL) and Assam State Transport Corporation (ASTC) for providing government approved stage carriage buses. Travel by our buses for a smooth and comfortable journey.
Chartered Speed promotes and fosters a unique business environment through a strong emphasis on combining solid business practices with high character standards and values.
To be India’s most safe and premium holistic passenger transport company.
With a very strong presence in transportation industry, Chartered Speed will continue to develop, produce and refine the best and safest products while providing comprehensive support services to promote customer loyalty and long-term prosperity for all our partners.